Heart to Heart with Anna

Saving Hearts in Pakistan

Farhan Ahman Season 11 Episode 4

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Farhan Ahmad is a social innovator and philanthropist who has devoted his life to helping children born in Pakistan with congenital heart defects. He is the founder & CEO of the Pakistan Children’s Heart Foundation, a non-governmental organization working to build a charity heart hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. His passion for helping children in Pakistan came from the loss of his daughter to congenital heart defects or CHDs when she was three years old. Pakistan suffers from an acute shortage of specialized staff and resources for any Pakistani child born with CHDs.Farhan shares the mission and vision for the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation and the steps that will be needed for them to achieve their goals. He talks about the problems he and his countrymen have if they are to solve the persistently high percentage of children born in his country with congenital heart defects. Lastly, Mr. Ahmad speaks hopefully about the future of children in Pakistan and how his country can make the needed changes by embracing the help of experts from around the world.

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spk_0:   0:00

spk_1:   0:05
to season 11.5 of heart to heart With Anna. Our theme this season is hard to fix around the globe. This is our spotlight, Siri's and it's our multi lingual programs, very excited about today's program. I'll be speaking in English with for Hunt Ahmed, and next week he'll be speaking in ER do with no men. Shahid. Today's program is entitled Saving Hearts in Pakistan, and our guests, as I said, is Farhaan Ahmed Farhan Ahmed is a social innovator and philanthropist who has devoted his life to helping Children. Born in Pakistan with congenital heart to fix, he is the founder and CEO of the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation, a non governmental organization working to build a charity heart hospital in Lahore, Pakistan. His passion for helping Children and Pakistan came from the loss of his daughter to congenital heart defects, or C HDs, when she was only three years of age. Pakistan suffers from an acute shortage of specialized staff, and resource is for any Pakistani child born with C HDs. There are around 50,000 Children born with heart defects in Pakistan each year, and only 3000 have operations. Mr Ahmed and his foundation have given over $3.1 million to help more than 1060 Children received lifesaving heart surgeries. The ultimate goal of the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation is to actually build a Children's hospital to treat as many Children afflicted with PhDs as possible. Farhaan will be sharing with us in the first segment about his daughter and why he started a charity in Pakistan. The second segment of the program will future Farhaan telling us about his foundation and in the final segment for home. We'll talk with us about the changes occurring in medical care in Pakistan, especially for those living with heart defects. Welcome to hard to her with Anna Farhaan. I'm so happy to have you back on the program.

spk_2:   2:06
Oh, thank you so much. It's an honor to be here. And I'm so glad that you have given me a chance to speak about the congenital, our challenges we're facing in our country. Thanks a lot.

spk_1:   2:16
Well, it is my pleasure. Let's start by talking about the event that triggered you to begin your current mission.

spk_2:   2:24
It was one of those nights that I was traveling from abroad, traveling from a business trip back to Pakistan. I was transiting and I heard my wife calling. She was playing on phone, and the first thing I remember she mentioned that were little doll Aisha. She stopped breathing her age with three months and cut the story short. When I reach home, we were in the hospital for a terrible three weeks time, and it took us Linley. Those C B extends a night toe, get to any of the private and the public sector hospitals, and we were not able to diagnose that. She has a severe congenital heart problem. So they're two things I want to mention. The number one is that somebody who doesn't have the money, you lives in a low income country and cannot afford that. He has a different challenge and somebody who can afford still, it's taking three weeks for his daughter to find out that she was born with a congenital heart problem.

spk_1:   3:21

spk_2:   3:22
o. These few moments actually turned over life. And that day, myself and my wife and rest of the friend decided that through something for congenital heart defect. So that was the main reason my Children, my family's the watered our lives to this cause.

spk_1:   3:37
Wow, three weeks to identify that she had a congenital heart defect for Children who are born with critical congenital heart defects, they may not survive. That was three weeks,

spk_2:   3:49
Yes, Anna, one of the major problem that we currently are facing. And I'm glad you're just mentioned that there 50,000 kids born every year with the congenital heart problem. One of the severe problem is the diagnosis majority of them cannot even make to the hospital. And in just one of the public hospital, there is a queue off about 14,000 kids who have been registered. But we don't have capacity to operate.

spk_1:   4:15
That's huge.

spk_2:   4:17
Majority of these kids die.

spk_1:   4:19

spk_2:   4:19
that's one of the biggest challenge that we're currently going through,

spk_1:   4:22

spk_2:   4:23
One of the biggest challenge we have is a lot of congenital heart defect patients not been diagnosed properly. Alone in one of the public hospital, we have 14,000 kids who have been waiting for the heart surges. One of the surgeons whose list has crossed 5000 so alone in our part of the world we have dealing with multiple challenges with the CST. So the first challenge is the one better diagnose were unable to treat them. And majority of those 50,000 kids were unable to diagnose, and most of them die before reaching through any of the paramedic facility.

spk_1:   5:01
That just breaks my heart. That that's true. So four Hun is it common for women who are pregnant in Pakistan to have ultrasounds like they do here in the United States?

spk_2:   5:11
It is very common, but we're talking about a lot of population who does not have access to even a gynecologist. We're talking about a lot of, you know, Yeah, yeah, so that their multiple type of challenges Yes, there is a huge challenge with vile. The mother's pregnant. We are unable to identify if the child has a congenital heart problem, even if we're able to do that after the birth. Even if we air able to know that the child has a congenital heart problem, we have no difference system to reach to the hospital. And even if we recently the hospital, they were set a long queue. We can't do anything.

spk_1:   5:49
Wow, those are a lot of problems to overcome. If your daughter were alive today, how do you think she would feel about everything that you've accomplished,

spk_2:   5:59
you know, very honest video. She is alive today as well. I speak to her daily like myself. My wife will be the all not like talk about her daily and I don't feel that she's no more that she is with us, except that you know, we're unable to communicate board states. But it's okay. That's life is all about what I really feel good about. What we're trying to accomplish is those 1000 and 60 surgeries that we have successfully funded in different private and public hospitals all over Pakistan. Now these are 1000 last 60 those Children which I I think I am, Somehow they're turning back to my daughter with just little contribution, which I couldn't save her couldn't do much, but please those Children, they're having a wonderful life. And you know, Anna CSD is like, if treated in time, one surgery and they're good to go for the rest of their life. So there'll be no congenital heart problem with these Children, hopefully in the near future for them.

spk_1:   6:57
Okay, so from what you're saying, then the surgeries that they are doing our surgeries like fixing a hole in the heart or something that won't require subsequent surgeries. Is that what you're saying?

spk_4:   7:08
Correct. If timely operated and the hole is closed and they're good to go for the rest of their lives, unlike answer. And like any other chronic disease, it won't come back. Let's the biggest thing.

spk_1:   7:22
Okay, so your country is not able to operate on Children who have a single ventricle heart or very complex congenital heart defect. Then, is that what you're saying?

spk_2:   7:33
Yes. You know, in the

spk_3:   7:33
last few years, we were glad that we started switch. Here in Pakistan, we have serious challenge

spk_4:   7:40
dealing with single ventricle, our patients. We're doing on what we can do by

spk_2:   7:44
bringing some medical missions. And when you give me a chance, I'll explain what we did. So

spk_3:   7:48
we did over

spk_4:   7:49
first on the cardio procedure last week. Two months ago, where

spk_1:   7:53

spk_4:   7:54
the surgeon? Flew from us and a team came and they along with our local doctors, read that So, yes, there is a huge problem dealing with single ventricle patients.

spk_1:   8:03
Okay, It sounds like there are so many parents like yourself Farhaan who have lost a child to a congenital heart defect because you have saved 1000 60 of them and God bless you for that. That's a miracle in my eyes, especially given all the challenges that you just talked to us about. But tell me what advice you would have for parents like yourself who have lost a child to a congenital heart defect.

spk_4:   8:25
Okay? And the most important thing told the parents says that they need toe. We gather everything, but they lost. It's not end of the world. The time is something which one day you have to cope with the challenge that have come to you. So when you lose a child, it looks like for the timing that everything is lost. You have nothing you don't feel like, you know, talking to people you don't feel like living anymore. But that's one part of it. But, you know, try toe be again, although your challenges that you're goingto make it a strength and I think about those who would your little help can have a wonderful life. So this is what we've been requesting toe all the parents who God forbid, lost their child or any parents who have Children lying but still be Request them. Okay, whatever. And very you think you can contribute to these kids through our foundation on your own, But there's a lot to be done. So my request. Do whatever you can, and this is how you can get connected with this call. I

spk_0:   9:30
just threw us off

spk_4:   9:31
dependent, but do whatever

spk_3:   9:33
you can for the

spk_4:   9:34
kids for a congenital defect

spk_1:   9:36
I love it

spk_5:   9:37
takes his heart into street. We're offering us a mechanical hot, and he said, now that I've had enough to give it to someone worthy, my father promised me a golden dressed twirling held my hand and asked me where I wanted to go. Whatever stripe for conflict that we experience in our long career together was always healed by humor. Heart to heart With Michael Please join us every Thursday at noon, Eastern as we talked with people from around the world who have experienced those most difficult moments. Anna Dworsky has written several books to empower the congenital heart Defect or C H D community. These books can be found at amazon dot com or at her website, www dot baby hearts press dot com. Her best seller is the Heart of a Mother, an anthology of stories written by women for Women in the CHD community and his other books. My Brother Needs an Operation, The Heart of a Father and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. A Handbook for Parents will help you understand that you are not alone. Visit baby hearts press dot com to find out more.

spk_0:   10:46
You are listening to heart to heart with Anna. If you have a question or comment that you would like to dress down show, please send an email to Anna Dworsky at Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com. That's Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com Now back to heart to Heart with Emma

spk_1:   11:03
Before the break for home, we were talking about what it was like for you having your daughter born with a heart defect and that fact that she passed away. I love your philosophy that she is still with you. My mother just passed away a few months ago and I feel just like you. D'oh! I still feel my mom with me. I know she's still here with me, and I think as long as we remember those we love, they are still part of us, and I love that you're doing so much to help people all over your country so that they don't experience the same loss that you did. It's absolutely beautiful. So let's talk about the charity. What do you hope to accomplish with the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation or a P C H f

spk_4:   11:43
possible? I'm sorry to hear about your mother and not affairs for her.

spk_1:   11:47
Thank you

spk_4:   11:47
for coming back to the CIA. We have lots to do. The biggest challenge today on categorized into four different You're the first problem is the awareness and advocacy normal people in and doesn't even aware off the fact that we have such a huge disease burden that 50,000 kids are born over. First challenge is letting the world the people, the policymaker, the senators, the politicians know that this is a problem. So if we all consider it a problem, I think we have a fix up a pit. Every single problem is like fixing half of the problem, so that's not around.

spk_1:   12:24

spk_4:   12:25
Number two. We have now working on bringing 100 better dedicated Children heart hospital, little conservative, but we're tryingto achieve a centre of excellence, a place where we can not only do the treatment of about 1000 cases a year, but also doing some research, work and training over surgeons over paramedic, star of intensive ist over perfumed nous for the other centers all across the country where they get treatment and then support other centers. And third, we will not stop the funding that we do for the Children who cannot even afford toe drive over location. So if you're talking about a child who's like 400 miles away, so we should be able to find a Surgi and in the hospital close to his home town. So that's what we're actually trying to achieve in terms of what we have accomplished. It is very little, but I would like to probably share that till today. We have financially supported that 1060 plus had procedures all across Pakistan. We were very, very lucky that we brought a medical mission from us from Canada from cutter from Cole. Yet they're about 14 people team who came here and they did a lot of procedure about 40 procedure in five days, and they did capacity building for two different public hospitals.

spk_1:   13:50
That's just amazing. That's just amazing to me that you were able to coordinate that for Hyung. I mean, it's almost like you're starting a pediatric cardiology residency right there in Pakistan.

spk_4:   14:02
You have. You have been very lucky. I am so blessed. God has given us so much there, so many good hearted people around and where you live. All I need to do is just let the world know that there's a problem and people literally start coming in. And and And the best thing is they did not judge a single penny from us. They paid from their own chickens travel, accommodation. You know, we just requested them at least allow us to be a good force. We should pay the hotel from our side, the meals and et cetera. But they did not allow that. So that's kind of love we get from people from your part of the world,

spk_1:   14:36
and that allows you to keep the money that you're raising toe actually do more good. And hopefully to start that heart hospital.

spk_4:   14:44
Yes, absolutely.

spk_1:   14:46
That's wonderful if I'm not mistaken and tell me if I'm wrong, But I believe that William Novick, heart Alliance has been responsible for going into Pakistan and actually helping your people, is that correct?

spk_4:   14:58
It is correct and we're very, very thankful. Toe 1,000,000,000 Novik. I see him as an icon doing congenital heart complex, said Live in one of the public sector Hospital and he trained a lot of people here and we as a nation, a lot to him. I have huge respect for him and I always pray for is, you know, long life and he's such a nice person.

spk_1:   15:24
Well, it's amazing what he is doing, and I'm glad we can give a shout out Thio Dr Novick, because it's amazing he isn't on Lee helping people in Pakistan, but people all over the world. So it's quite an organization that he has put together. And, like you said, this is put together of people who put the money out of their own pocket to serve other people. I think it's one of the highest callings a person can have to actually give of themselves to save someone else, so it's really quite beautiful. Well, tell me where you see the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation in 10 years, what do you hope to have accomplished in 10 years?

spk_4:   16:04
Yes, in a actually. What we as an institution and looking forward is one is over Mission and another The vision, sir, vision is that we do not want a single CHD patient remain untainted in in Pakistan. So I don't know if it is possible or not. But we all know that one day we will achieve that every child, while he has a congenital heart defect, should be able to get treatment. That is what we all are hoping. So what we're going to achieve is that in the next C 24 years, we're going to have 100 better dedicated Children. Heart Hospital specializing with making sure that any kind of single men tickler or a sweet Sergi, we should be able to accommodate that past number one. Number two. We've on this institution to act as a centre of excellence, a place where people can get training and can serve in other parts off Pakistan where we have infrastructure. But we don't have the manpower. And third, the most important thing is doing some research work and trying to find out why over incident is one out off wondered as compared to the developed nations 10.8 out of 100. So there has to be something. Maybe the nutrition of the mother, the cousin. Marriages are a lot of these things. We believe we should be ableto too, and seas to a level where other developed countries are. So that's what we see in the next 10 years. And one more thing is that we don't want this institution to be associated with for Han and his family only. So we're working on institutionalizing this, and that's the reason and Ivy have named. Is Pakistan Shin our foundation and our hospital Amis Children Heart Hospital and Research Institute. You don't see any of my daughter or my family name associated with that because we believe the institution should flourish, should grow as an institution. They should not just be associate it with the individual names,

spk_1:   18:06
right? Right, And then you'll have the preventive medicine is huge. If you can do something like that, that would just be amazing those air lofty goals. But I believe that you can do it if anybody can do it far on. I believe that you and all of the people who you are bringing together I can do this.

spk_3:   18:27
You hope so and the affection and the hard work of a demon putting in. I see this happening very soon,

spk_1:   18:33

spk_6:   18:40
Forever by the Baby Blue Sound collective. I think what I love so much about this CD is that some of the songs were inspired by the patient's many listeners will understand many of the different songs and what they've been inspired. Our new album will be available on iTunes. Amazon dot com. Spotify. I love the fact that the proceeds from this CD are actually going to help those with congenital heart defects. Music Night Forever This program is a presentation of hearts. Unite the Globe and it's part of the Hug Podcast Network Bar. Tonight The Globe is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing resource is to the congenital heart defect community to uplift on power and enrich the lives of our community members. If you would like access to free resource is pertaining to the CHD community, please visit our website at www dot hug dash podcast network dot com for information about CHD, the hospitals that treat Children with CHD summer camps for CHD survivors and much, much more

spk_1:   19:49
for home was just telling us about that Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation or the P C H F. And I love how he is doing so much to help the people of his country. In this segment, we're going to be talking about congenital heart defect. Healthcare changes in Pakistan Boar Hunt In the beginning of the program, we talked about 50,000 Children being born in Pakistan with congenital heart defects. But you said only 3000 have operations. If you could bring one change in how CH D patients are given medical care in Pakistan, what would that one change be?

spk_3:   20:27
It's a tough question, but I'll speak from the heart. All V as an institution, want Anna. Is that not a single medical facility owned and operated by the government where we have specialized healthcare facility? They should be ableto get quality treatment in respect to the congenital heart problem over nation is going through. So what we want is that any sea exhibition should be able to walk in tow any of the specialized government hospital, and they should be able to get treatment with respect. Oh, the CSD problem and we, as an institution are trying our level best in building capacity for those government institutions, because in our hospital, once it will be functional, we were only ever. It'll do dollars and surgeries a year,

spk_1:   21:18

spk_3:   21:19
So still there'll be like 40,000 deficit. So the only way Anna it's goingto take care is that we enable other institutions

spk_1:   21:27
well, except that I know that in our country we have about 40,000 Children who are born with congenital heart defects every year. But not all 40,000 of them require surgery, so there may be of that 50,000. There may be some Children who have innocent heart murmurs little tiny holes that will close up on their own. But still you're right. If you're only doing it. 1000 they're still going to be a lot of Children who are missed. So that does make sense. I think what you were talking about with the preventative medicine, trying to find out what's causing your country, to have so many Children born with heart defects, that's huge. Let's prevent the problem in the first place that no, we won't need that heart surgery. Tell me about some of the difficulties that you have faced in just creating awareness for congenital heart to fix.

spk_3:   22:14
That's a very good question, and I'm one of the biggest challenge is that people don't know what congenitally people don't know what congenital heart is. All people know is, ah, hole in the heart. So what we do is all over public awareness campaigns. We don't use the word congenital. We don't use the word even congenitally, Gordo, because we are dealing with 200 million population and majority of them are not literate, so even keep it very, very simple. So in terms of awareness, there multiple challenges, awareness and general public is one challenge a very nice with health policy makers and other challenge awareness with the people who are actually senators that the politicians another telling with them. So despite all the bad things I'm telling you, but still they have been very lucky that we have been able to achieve a little bit off it now at these people known that we have a problem, we have to deal with it. Politicians, senators, health policy makers. There were at least with the last four or five years that we have done. They've started to address this as a problem,

spk_1:   23:22
and that's the beginning. First is the awareness, because you can't fix a problem if you don't know the problem exists and you're right. I think the literacy problem. And it probably does go back to nutrition of the mothers and at early intervention if the mother's air seeing a gynecologist or seeing an obstetrician, somebody who can help them to make sure that they have the healthiest pregnancy impossible to prevent the heart defects in the first place. And probably if you do some research, you will see a higher incidence of Children with heart defects if they're marrying first cousins. There are some ways that maybe some changes in culture that's what's going to be hard is that if your culture is not used to having a prohibition on marrying first cousins, just, for example, that just bringing awareness to that and the problems that can happen from intermarrying at that level because I'm sure heart defects were not the only problem that your country is experiencing, I'm sure they're experienced the other kinds of birth defects as well and keeping the language simple. I'm certain that's going to be a challenge for you as well you are quite a man too Take all of this all on Farhaan. I feel so honored to have you on the program today.

spk_3:   24:37
Not very honest with you we are honored that you have given us the chance to speak about the challenges that we're going through through your program. I would like to request all the expected Pakistanis that whatever they're doing, all we need is they start looking at this problem as a problem because we have one of the best nations in the world who are dedicated, committed there. A lot of doctors and us. They're doing more than our expectations. We can't blame the government because they have their own challenges. As you said, there are other congenital problem of a country has. So all we know is that and this situation is working focused a time will come and we'll have those successes achieve together And on behalf of our fun day should I really thank you and no man for allowing us to speak so much open the and letting the world know that the Germans were going through? Thank you so much, Anna.

spk_1:   25:29
Oh, well, thank you, Farhaan. And I'm so excited that we'll be able to have a program next week with you, Actually speaking energy. How important is it for us to have this program and, er do for your people?

spk_3:   25:41
It's extremely important because we did over last fundraiser in Houston, but we have a local charity just heard in us, mouth appreciative and a door torque. So the program, when I was started digging an English lot of my people said, Okay, come on. We keep on this thing English every time we expect somebody to speak of home language. So I tell you, it's extremely important that people should be able to listen and then I'll be a great show. And I really look forward to speaking with no one and I think will be a fantastic show. And I really like your idea. They're doing one in English and then doing one in the local language unit gave the connection. It makes a connection among the people around from one side of the park,

spk_1:   26:23
right? Right. Well, we can't close the show without you telling us how people can contribute to your charity, because I'm sure once people hear this and they know what you're doing, they're going to want to give us Well,

spk_3:   26:36
okay. The thing which makes us different from the rest of the conventional and Josie, is that we do not use any of the donation money to pay admin expenses. So any single penny and individualists paying is actually been used on the Children heart treatment. And I really thank you that you're allowing me to speak about how they can donate our website P c Jeff and which is back sent in Heart Foundation, North American Dog Park. If they go nine, there is a race to donate link. They can do it through PayPal were 51 seat see register charity. This mean that they can claim this charity as in text exempted. And if they want to donate in Pakistan, we do ever website pc Jeff Torts or Torpey K. We have all the bank details available there, and I, on behalf of our board, is very proud to share that a single Benny that you'll give it will go to the child hard treatment. We will not use a single percentage in being of Redmond Belt.

spk_1:   27:34
Well, I love that. That's really amazing. And what a commitment that you're bored has and everybody who is working with the Pakistan Children's Heart Foundation that they are so careful with any of the monies that are donated. If you go to my website, I have a new address. It's www dot hearts unite the globe dot warg If you go to that website, there is ah whole section on congenital heart defect. Resource is and you'll see the actual links to the website that for Hunt just shared with us. I think I have your actual the one in Pakistan. I didn't know about the one dot in a so I'll have to add that one as well. So give those to you r l's again real quick for our listeners. The one in North America Waas

spk_3:   28:23
P c h f and a dot org So this is back Santillan Heart Foundation north America dot Argh!

spk_1:   28:31
Okay, And then the one in in Pakistan Is that just p c h f dot or GE

spk_3:   28:38
dark t k

spk_1:   28:39
of doubt p k Of course for Pakistan? Yes. Okay, yes, that's that makes sense. Well, thanks again for coming on. The program today for hotness was very informative for me.

spk_3:   28:49
Thank you so much. It's really an orderto speak with you, Anna. And really thank you for giving us a chance to speak about the chances that we're going through. And I look forward to over program in order.

spk_1:   29:00
Me too. I'm looking forward to that. Also, I wish I knew or do so I could appreciate it fully. But I know that your people will appreciate it. And that's what this is all about. We're working really hard. It hurts not to gloat, to really touch people all over the world. And now that they have others who care about them and I think this show has definitely exemplified our mission, which is really amazing Well, friends, that's it for today. Please come back next week so you can hear the program in er do, which would be amazing. Will have no men shot. He'd as our guest host. And he's been the producer today and done a fabulous shops that Thank you, Newman. Thank you, Farhaan Friends, You confined our program on YouTube. Please do that. Leave a comment, give us a review And don't forget my friends. You are not alone.

spk_0:   29:46
Thank you again for joining us this week way Hope you have been inspired on, Empowered to become an advocate for the congenital heart defects community. Heart to heart with Anna With your hose down, Dworsky can be heard every Tuesday at 12 noon Eastern time.

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