Heart to Heart with Anna

Brothers of a Heart Warrior Sister

Ryan and Aaron Celeskey Season 11 Episode 12

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Lauren Bednarz was born with a very complex heart defect requiring multiple surgeries. Her older brother Ryan Celeskey and her younger brother Aaron Celeskey talk about what it was like growing up with a sister with a special heart. Ryan talks about what it was like going to school with a younger sister others wanted to pick on. Aaron talks about what it's like for him now, living with his sister and her husband while he attends college. Together the brothers paint a picture of a very special family dynamic.

Thanks to our newest HUG Patron, Ayrton Beatty and long-standing Patrons: Laura Redfern, Pam Davis, Michael Liben, Nancy Jensen, Alicia Lynch, Deena Barber, Carlee McGuire, Carter & Faye Mayberry, and Frank Jaworski. We appreciate you!

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spk_1:   0:00

spk_0:   0:04
Theo. The 11th Season of Heart to Heart with Anna. Our theme this season is Heart or Your siblings, and we have a great show for you today. Today's show is brothers of a Heart Warrior sister, and our guests are siblings Aaron and Ryan Solesky. Aaron Orion Solesky our brothers to Lauren Bed Nards, who is a 30 year old heart warrior born. We tried custody atresia and have a plastic right ventricle. Aaron is a 19 year old college student at ST Edward's University in Austin, Texas. Majoring in business, Erin is a big lover of health and fitness. Ryan is his older brother. He is 34 years old and lives in Michigan with his wife, Ashley, and eight year old daughter, Liliana. Brian is a huge, all around sports fan who loves to watch him play just about any sport. Both Ryan and Aaron have a huge sense of humor and love to make people laugh. They've already had my producer and me laughing, so just hold onto your hats, folks. You're in for a great time today. Welcome to heart to heart with Anna Aaron.

spk_2:   1:07
Hi. How you doing today?

spk_0:   1:09
I have doing great and we'll be talking with Ryan and the second segment. I'm really happy to finally meet you, Aaron.

spk_2:   1:17
Yeah, I've been told so much about you by Lauren. Honestly, Didn't know you talked to Chris, and it's kind of cool that you've talked to her entire family now.

spk_0:   1:23
I know, right? You boys were the last ones to come on. I've talked to your mom and your dad, Lauren and her husband. So it's about time I have you boys on. Let's start by talking with you and have you tell us about what it was like growing up with a sister with a serious congenital heart defect. How aware were you of Lawrence Condition?

spk_2:   1:46
I was always just so young that I really never took into account how serious things were. I kind of grew up in a household that was in the middle of a divorce, and so she was always the one kind of taking me away from stuff. So I always thought of her is the strong sibling. I really never saw anything wrong with her. To me, it seemed like she lived a normal life.

spk_0:   2:07
So she was almost like another mother to you. It sounds like she was very protective of you.

spk_2:   2:12
Oh, absolutely. I still consider, like a second mother. Almost. And she still get Tommy to clean my room and watch the dishes.

spk_0:   2:21
Well, that's a good thing, right?

spk_2:   2:24
Someone's got to do it now that I'm out the house.

spk_0:   2:27
There you go. There you go. Well, for our listeners who may not know what the age difference is between you and your sister, Lauren is actually 11 years older than you, right? Correct. It sounds like she was the one who took care of you. Was there ever a time? Because I've met Lauren, and I know what size she is. So she's kind of small like I am. Was there ever a time that you felt you needed to take care of her?

spk_2:   2:52
Not really. That's kind of surprising. I still technically take care of her. Earlier today, we went to the doctors. I have a jaw injury and, like in the lobby and stuff, I was bumping into her, pushing her around. I mean, we have someone, so I kind of know my limits what not to do and what to do, because I know she could get sick very easily, but ah, to me, I just I'm already adjusted how I can mess with her, so I'm still,

spk_0:   3:19
like a little brother. So you definitely know what buttons to push. Is that what you're telling me, Aaron?

spk_2:   3:26
Yes. And I push him all the time.

spk_0:   3:29
And isn't it true that now you're living in the same city that Lauren is living in?

spk_2:   3:35
That is correct.

spk_0:   3:36
Are you also living in her house, or do you live at the college?

spk_2:   3:40
I'm actually living in her house at the moment. You just saved money and dorms cause dorms in Austin are like $5000 a semester. So since I have a full ride at the college, either side, let's save that money. And I just stay here until junior senior year.

spk_0:   3:57
And I bet she's loving having you because it seemed to me that she talked about you all the time when we used to talk before. Are you enjoying staying with her? Yeah,

spk_2:   4:06
we have a really good relationship. Like earlier today. Before we went to the doctors, we went to round Rock Donuts and we got some doughnuts together. Here's a little fun facts about me. I know Ryan's gonna be left and because you can hear me. But I like to listen to a band called One Direction. So we kind of sing that in the car together,

spk_0:   4:24
huh? That sounds like fun. I don't think I know that band. What songs do you like to sing?

spk_2:   4:32
I'll try. Name some of their big ones. Do you know the song? What makes you beautiful?

spk_0:   4:36
Oh, yeah.

spk_2:   4:37
Then story of my life is not sisters favor and night changes.

spk_0:   4:41
Yeah, I like that being too. I just didn't know the band's name. Well, that's pretty cool. Well, let's go back to talking about you being the little brother of somebody with a heart defect. I know that your sister had a heart catheterization back. This is a while ago, 2013 and Lauren told me that it was the first time that you had seen her in a congenital heart defect type of situation. Can you tell me what you remember from that time and how it made you feel?

spk_2:   5:10
It really didn't faze me until I saw her. And when I saw her with all the wires and stuff sticking out of her, it kind of scared me a little bit at first, but then since you so drugged up, she started saying stuff that was funny. So I thought she was okay. And then I remember what I said. But I think I said something about Lauren. You should take those off and you should come eat with us at lunch. It was scary until she said something. I was like, Oh, my gosh, what's happening to my sister?

spk_0:   5:41
That was your mom there with you? Did she kind of tell you what to expect? Or was it just really shocking for you?

spk_2:   5:49
No one really told me what to expect. My mom was there when I started talking. She said, Oh gosh, because I can't remember what exactly I said. But if I was there, I'd probably laughing at myself because I said something really silly. Yeah, I really all just called me off guard, so I've never seen my sister and anything like that. I've only heard stories, and I know this was really mild compared to what she's gone through in her life.

spk_0:   6:15

spk_2:   6:15
there's still a scary experience as a brother just seen a sibling hooked up to machines like that?

spk_0:   6:20
Yeah, I can be scary. So tell me, what's your fondest memory is of your sister

spk_2:   6:27
who found his memory. That's a hard one. Picking a fondest memory of a sister. So I guess I'll have to go. Something really recent, I guess. Graduation just her being there was really special because my dad was never able to make it. I wasn't too sure my sister was gonna come until Dad died, and then she kind of made it her mission that she was gonna be there. So it's just really special tohave someone more than my mom being there with me. So it really didn't mean a lot.

spk_0:   6:59
Yeah. Oh, I know. It meant a lot to her. She was posting about it on Facebook, and she was really excited that she was going to have a chance to be there with use. I think you did a good job choosing a memory.

spk_2:   7:10
Thank you. I mean, there's just so many memories that have ever it's hard of just narrow it down to one.

spk_0:   7:16
Yeah, And now you were living in Dallas and right?

spk_2:   7:20
Yes, ma'am.

spk_0:   7:21
Okay. So you graduated from school in Dallas. Did you choose ST Edward's over all other universities so that you could be closer to your sister.

spk_2:   7:31
That's part of the reason. Yes, I did have some other options I could have gone with, but I kind of figured one. I love Texas and then to I really want to be close to family still. And if I went to school like Oklahoma or any other school in the nation other than School Michigan, I'd be really far from family. So I figured since I left Texas, so much would be really cool to be around my sister.

spk_0:   7:57
That's great.

spk_5:   7:58
Take this hot industry we're offering. That's a mechanical hot. And he said, now that I've had enough to give it to someone my father promised me, a golden dressed twirling held my hand and asked me where I wanted to go. Whatever stripe for conflict that we experienced in our long career together was always healed by humor. Heart

spk_7:   8:20
to heart With Michael, please join us every Thursday at noon, Eastern as we talked with people from around the world who have experienced those most difficult

spk_5:   8:26
moments. Anna Dworsky has written several books to empower the congenital heart defect, or CHD, community These books could be found at amazon dot com or at her Web site, www dot baby hearts press dot com. Her best seller is The Heart of a Mother, an anthology of stories written by Women for Women in the CHD community and his other books. My Brother Needs an Operation, The Heart of a Father and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. A Handbook for Parents will help you understand that you are not alone. Visit baby hearts press dot com to find out more. Welcome

spk_0:   9:06
to heart to Heart with Anna Brian I love having a brother duo on the show today. How are you

spk_6:   9:13
Good. I really

spk_0:   9:14
I'm doing great. It's Segment one. Ryan. We talked with Aaron about growing up with the sister with the serious heart defect, and it's, I'm sure, a very different experience for him, since he's 11 years younger than Lauren and you're older than Lawrence, and now we get a new perspective. What was it like to be the big brother Thio, a little sister with a heart defect? Can you tell us what it was like for you during your childhood? Growing up with Lauren,

spk_6:   9:42
I grew up as a protective older brother and I do remember many visits. I was four years older. I was still young, but I still remember visit to the hospital Children's Hospital in Detroit. Well, she was going through some of her surgeries. The very difficult, but I was very protective.

spk_0:   10:01
So you were four years older and she had her first surgery before she turned one. So you were just a little preschooler. But you remember going up to the hospital to see her?

spk_6:   10:11
Oh, yeah, I do remember. One image still sticks out is when she was after surgery, and they put her in this kind of like an incubator to wear. You could just put your hand in there and you can touch her. And I do remember holding hands with their long time ago.

spk_0:   10:29
Yeah, that was a long time ago. I wonder if your parents took any pictures because that would be such a sweet memory toe. Have this little four year old brother touching his little sister's hand. I love that image. That's beautiful.

spk_6:   10:41
Yeah, sure. My mom has plenty of pictures that I probably don't even know

spk_5:   10:45

spk_0:   10:45
I have to ask her That would be really neat. So you watched your mom getting bigger and bigger with the baby. Do you remember if you were excited about having a little sister?

spk_6:   10:57
Oh, yeah, Very excited. Of course, being a boy, your first instinct is a I want a little brother. When I got the news of a sister, instant protection came over me as if someone to protect rather than pick

spk_5:   11:11

spk_0:   11:13
Come later. Right. All right, well, that's really need How even at four. You've had that sense of protection about her. Do you remember if your mom found out in utero that Lauren was going to have a heart problem?

spk_6:   11:28
But I don't really remember. They're far back. I do remember after she was born really started with the hospital visits. And, you know, we're the younger Your parents aren't gonna tell you details of anything and try not to bring you to the hospital as much as they can When Children there for many years early on. That's my earliest memory. Is knowing that she had a heart problem.

spk_0:   11:56
Were you afraid when you went up to the hospital to visit her? Or did you feel excited that you were going toc your little sister. How did you feel,

spk_6:   12:05
bull? Because you kind of knew something was wrong. So you are excited because you don't see her too often anyways, you know, even let alone at home. Yeah, you do get excited to see her because you don't know the serious enough yet of what she had. Garin. Yeah, says no. Kids like to go, so the doctors once twice a year for checkups. So? So when you see this big hospital, you get butterfly feeling.

spk_0:   12:34
Yeah, well, let's fast forward to when you and Lauren were in school together. How did you feel about her when you guys were in elementary school together?

spk_6:   12:44
She went through a lot earlier lives far as being social with other friends. Like I got two. D'oh! She didn't have that social butterfly effect that she has now on people. To where she She's open to talk to everybody now. But she was very sheltered. She has some eye trouble too. So she and some coke bottle glasses. So she didn't you know, kids get cruel. Just being the brother that went to the same school was just the right years old enough to where kids from her age will look at me and decided to go the other way instead of continue.

spk_0:   13:26
Well, good. So you could intervene and prevent them from bullying her.

spk_6:   13:31
Oh, yeah,

spk_0:   13:33
that's good. Because you know what? I hear a lot of heart warriors who tell me that. Especially more in the middle school and high school years that they got picked on a lot. And I bet it meant a lot to Lauren that she had that big brother there to act as a protector

spk_6:   13:50
took pride in it. In a sense, too, because I was more on the popular side of things sports, you know, like I was able to do a lot more things in. She was able to dio physically when it comes to athletics when you're a kid.

spk_0:   14:07
Yeah, it sounds like both you and your brother were very athletic.

spk_6:   14:11
I was very

spk_5:   14:15
old now, but I

spk_0:   14:18
think you're that old. But that's probably because I'm a lot older than you are. Okay. How did it make you feel that you could do any of the sports that she wanted to? But you knew that Lauren couldn't

spk_6:   14:33
privileged, I guess. Lucky she was able to do some sports but for his bowling. So she was able to find her a little niche as faras athletics. So she kind of found her way as Faras sitting in faras the boy's air concerned her brothers with sports and I thought she did really well on her own as faras motivation toe prove people otherwise that she may not be able to do certain things Well, she won't have improved otherwise she can play sport

spk_0:   15:06
well and go to school, right? Like she went to call it.

spk_5:   15:09
Oh, yeah, I

spk_6:   15:10
go to school too, you know, we take that for granted, especially her age. We also take that for granted now. Well, she is doing for for someone that has certain heart condition compared to other kids or people.

spk_0:   15:25
It's nice to hear a big brother who is so proud of his little sister. I just love that. Okay, I'm gonna fast forward way, way into the future compared to when you were in school together. And I want to know how did your relationship change with Lauren when you got married

spk_6:   15:40
alive because of the distance mainly changes a lot of things between us. You know, They moved out West. A one point in California jobs You chased, you know? Well, you go to school for that's where you're supposed to do. In a sense, you know, I had a wish her well, and she is doing well. I'm glad that she and Chris found a way to Texas, where my brother and my mom is. It's not as if we're so far gapped out, but still, it's pretty hard being up here in Michigan and then being down in Texas, missing out on a few things. I'm sure they feel the same way.

spk_0:   16:16
Okay, So when are you going to join us in Texas? Hopefully

spk_6:   16:20
soon. Maybe one day.

spk_0:   16:21
I were That would be fabulous.

spk_6:   16:25
Oh, yeah, I've been meaning to sooner than later.

spk_0:   16:30
Well, you know, on a serious no. When you lose a parent. And I know since I just lost my mother last month, it makes the importance of family even more salient, don't you think?

spk_6:   16:41
Oh, yeah, definitely. It's just my dad and I up here. So now it's mainly me, my side of the family that I grew up with. That still here My brother, my sister, my mom, all in Texas or one phone call away and, uh, definite change. Distance wise,

spk_0:   17:00
Right? Right. Well, I know that Lauren would just be thrilled if you moved to Texas. And she had both her brothers and her mother in the same state with her. I know that she would just love that.

spk_6:   17:11
I think everyone will love that. Maybe one day.

spk_0:   17:15
Well, tell me about her. With Liliana. Does she have a row? Good relationship with her niece?

spk_6:   17:21
Oh, yeah. They talk is often as you know, they come on the phone. You know, my daughter doesn't know too much about her heart condition. Yeah, she's only eight. And when you started doing details, I don't think no matter how much you explain it to him, they will understand. They're very close. Told her anti war in all the time. And another thing, you know, distance. They do miss out on each other a lot.

spk_0:   17:45
So we just have to get you down here so they can have fun going to this stone at place that Erin was telling me about during the break. I

spk_5:   17:54
know. I'm gonna take a hair it all the time. You

spk_6:   17:57
know, I'm seeing pictures. Our faith sauce How about you? Just for me. One

spk_5:   18:01
up Here Forever by the Baby Blue Sound Collective. I think what I love so much about this CD is that some of the songs were inspired by the patient's many listeners will understand many of the different songs and what they've been inspired. Our new album will be available on iTunes. Amazon dot com. Spotify. I love the fact that the proceeds from this CD are actually going to help those with heart defects. Join Music Home Tonight forever.

spk_1:   18:46
Okay, you are listening to heart to heart with Anna if you have a question or comment that you would like to dress down, show police in an email to Anna Dworsky at Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com. That's Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com now back to heart to heart with him before

spk_0:   19:07
the break. I really enjoyed talking with Ryan about what it was like for him growing up with the little sister with a congenital heart defect. But now I have both Ryan and Aaron in the studio with me, and I realize most people don't realize when I say I have them in the studio with me that that doesn't mean that worth physically in a studio together. We use Skype to record our program. So I actually have Ryan talking to me from Michigan. Aaron is talking to me from Austin. My producer is in another place in Austin and I'm in Central Texas. I'm in Temple doing all of this together, So it's pretty amazing that we can all be in his studio together, even though we're not physically in the same place. But I'm going to go back to Aaron and ask you a question first. Erin, I know that you're going to college in the same town that Lauren lives in. Tell me how going to school in the same town as your sister has affected your relationship with her. Especially says now you're an adult, just like she is.

spk_3:   20:05
I really think it's brought us a lot closer because we spend so much time together. And like I was saying earlier, I do mess with their every single chance I get, and I don't think you realize how often that is. I'd probably guess like maybe 15 times a day At the minimum, she does help me on homework. We have laughs. We like doing things together like we went to the mall a couple weeks ago together, just walked around. It's really nice to be able to do this because I don't think I've ever been able to do this is my sister, because growing up, I was always too young. And then when I was finally around the age, so where could do stuff with her? She moved to California, and then I was in Dallas and she was in Austin. But now we're finally right next to each other. We can actually have good moments and spend time together.

spk_0:   20:50
Yeah, and it's different for you now, too, because you're an adult and she's an adult sea or more on a level playing field. Whereas that 11 year difference probably was really huge when you were younger.

spk_3:   21:00
Absolutely. I can definitely have more intellectual conversations with her rather than Hey complete Thomas the tank engine with Mai were Let's watch

spk_0:   21:11
right exactly, but it's wonderful that you could ask her to do that and I could just imagine her city dataplay Thomas to take edging with you because she seems like that kind of sister did she sit down and play with your toys with you?

spk_3:   21:25
Quite a few times. She did. I kind of get the feeling she didn't like it all the time. Is, I think at a young age, I was very competitive, and I try to make everything competitive, even with my brother. I remember we would play the light sabers, and he would never play with me anymore. Because one time I slammed a lightsaber into his hand and I said, Hi. I cut your hand off. So is Ken. If a similar with Lauren Rose, it's always tryingto come out on top.

spk_0:   21:53
Mm. And you're 15 years younger than your brother. So that's a huge age difference.

spk_3:   22:00
Yeah, And I beat him in light sabers.

spk_0:   22:02
I was just gonna say, but how old were you when you beat him with the light saber? I have to know this. How old were you?

spk_3:   22:08
Oh, God, Ryan, do you know that

spk_6:   22:10
I've got a 19 year about four in there on the couch, one handed, slammed, you know, swords with

spk_5:   22:21
him, Get

spk_6:   22:22
to me out of hand, you know, really hard. And he's laughing about it.

spk_0:   22:27

spk_6:   22:27
little guy.

spk_0:   22:31
Oh, my Gosh, I could just see you boys stayed at have Funny. Is that okay, Ryan? Now going to turn my attention to you. You're a dad. I'm so excited for you that you have a little girl of your own now. And so I'm wondering, Were you worried when your wife got pregnant with Liliana? That maybe she would have a heart defect? You

spk_6:   22:53
a little worried? You try not to worry too much about things like that, but it was always in the back of my mind. But pregnancy went really, really well. No problems there. I think he I dropped her out while water broke at the hospital. 20 minutes later, she was born.

spk_0:   23:11
Oh, my gosh. It was very

spk_6:   23:13
quick. Yeah, very, very quick. And I almost missed it because the nurses told me that it might be a long night. You should go grab a snack or a pop. No soda to drink. I go get that. Come back and you're having the baby

spk_0:   23:29
weight. Gosh. Wow. So did you and your wife go through any kind of testing once? She was pregnant to see if there was a chance that Liliana would have a heart defect.

spk_6:   23:41
Actually, we did it. I think it was. I mean, we didn't think about the defect too much.

spk_4:   23:48

spk_6:   23:49
but, I mean, you know, just like you go do the check ups. Everything was going fine. And we just went by the doctor's decisions with your heart. Good. Yeah. Hurts good so far. You know, we just played along that way

spk_0:   24:04
one day. Yeah.

spk_6:   24:05
It was definitely in the back of our minds about Lauren and, uh, kept their fingers crossed in the sun.

spk_0:   24:11
I'm so glad that she is heart healthy and that you didn't have any problems, but she's eight, and she's an only child. Do you think you might have another one

spk_6:   24:21
thinking about it? We do like the freedoms of heaven. One child. Do you know what I mean? She gets equal love from every family member. Were thinking, you know, the age gap. You know, Erin was definitely a huge age. Yeah, it's definitely harder as the years go on, then. Yeah, then much of our older brother sister, compared to ah ah, younger one. Because you do miss out a lot. You know, I missed out a lot with Aaron once I turned 19. Any 19 year old? Hey, I'm out of the house. Tend to go start my own life. Have fun. You know, you miss out some of the years of, say, my younger brother and some of my sisters.

spk_0:   25:04
Yeah, well, you were 19. And he was only four. Yeah, I imagine you missed out on most of Hiss childhood.

spk_6:   25:12

spk_0:   25:13
but you all were all living in Michigan for a good part of that time, right?

spk_2:   25:20
Correct. Good

spk_6:   25:20
part. Yes. Yeah.

spk_0:   25:22
How old were you, Aaron, when you moved away from Michigan,

spk_6:   25:27

spk_3:   25:27
think maybe 11 or 12.

spk_0:   25:31
Okay. Okay, so we need to get Ryan to Texas. I just figured it out. We just got to get you to Texas. You've spent too much time away from the family, and I want to get a chance to meet you too.

spk_6:   25:45
We're kind of trying and my wife a manager at O'Reilly out apart where she's trying to get into the corporate area and guess where that is. That was on.

spk_0:   25:58
You're kidding.

spk_6:   25:59
One quote location wanting jack locations. So

spk_0:   26:03
right. You know, your mom would just love that because then she could really spoil Liliana Kuchi.

spk_6:   26:09
Oh, yeah, if he asked me every time I talk to her, how's it going? How's we're going? It's going good.

spk_0:   26:15
Just stay.

spk_6:   26:18
We can't force it. That happen, can How you're ourselves down there?

spk_0:   26:22
No. Well, what? We're gonna have to make it happen, though, because family is so important. And we're going to close the show by having pearls of wisdom from both of you. And I'll start with you. Aaron, tell me what advice you have for other siblings who were growing up with a sister or brother who have real complex heart conditions. Like what Lauren does

spk_3:   26:44
be careful with them. They most likely have other problems, like O. C. D. Or scoliosis or just something else wrong with them. So even though they may seem normal, they might not be able to do as much physical activity is you, or as much as you'd like them to dio and they can get sick a lot easier than you can.

spk_0:   27:05
Okay, that's good advice. And Ryan, question I have for you is a little different. I want to know what advice you have for parents who have one child who has ah, healthy heart at one child who has a heart defect

spk_6:   27:19
tray at their best toe. Make him feel equal, you know, innocence. Kind of like how I think our parents did have pretty route. Fairly good job of making us both feel, you know, especially my sister is normal as K I waas. You know, even though that you know, the person with the heart defect might not be able to do certain things, physical activities. It doesn't mean that there isn't any activities for himto to feel Justus equal of everybody else. And it doesn't have to hold them back. Being parents is a tough job alone with two normal kids. Went alone with one with a heart defect. Tough job thing and get through it.

spk_0:   28:07
Uh, well, I'm sure it don't mean a lot to your mom to hear that she did a pretty good job at making you all feel equal. And I think that is a really good point to make. You never want to feel like your brother or your sister is favored over you. And it doesn't look like your parents did PAB,

spk_6:   28:22

spk_0:   28:24
Wow, this has been a lot of fun, So thank you both for coming on his show. Thank you, Erin, for coming on the show today.

spk_3:   28:31
You had no problem

spk_0:   28:32
and thank you, Ryan. I'm so glad I got a chance to meet you.

spk_6:   28:36
Oh, thank you for having us on. And I was very nice talking to you.

spk_0:   28:40
Well, it has been so much fun, So thanks for listening today. Friends, Please come back next week at noon Eastern time or whenever is convenient for you. That's the beauty of the podcast. Don't forget to leave a review for our program on iTunes. And remember, my friends, you are not this'll.

spk_7:   28:56
Program is a presentation of hearts unite the globe and is part of the Hug Podcast Network bar Tonight The Globe is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing resource is to the congenital heart defect community to uplift on power and enrich the lives of our community members if you would like access to free resource is pretending to the CHD community. Please visit our website at www dot hug dash podcast network dot com for information about CHD the hospitals that treat Children with CHD summer camps for CHD survivors and much, much more.

spk_1:   29:36
Thank you again for joining us this week. Way hope you have been inspired on empowered to become an advocate for the congenital heart defect community. Heart to heart With Anna With your hose down, Jaworski can be heard every Tuesday at 12 noon Eastern time.

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