Heart to Heart with Anna

Behind the Scenes with Hearts Unite the Globe

Laura Redfern, Frank and Anna Jaworski Season 14 Episode 12

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This is a special episode of Heart to Heart with Anna that was recorded at Podcast Movement 2019 in Orlando, Florida. Buzzsprout set up a studio and invited its members to record a show at the conference. Three Hearts Unite the Globe (HUG) Board Members were attending the conference -- Guests: Laura Redfern and Frank Jaworski and Host: Anna Jaworski.

Listen as the three Board Members talk about what HUG means to them, where HUG has been and where the Board Members believe it's headed, why HUG now has a Patreon account and how others can be Patrons, supporters of Heart to Heart with Anna, Heart to Heart with Michael and future podcasts in the HUG Podcast Network.

Special thanks to Buzzsprout for setting up the studio and doing the recording of this program.

For more information about HUG, check out our website.
Visit our Patreon account to join our team!  

Thanks to our newest HUG Patron, Ayrton Beatty and long-standing Patrons: Laura Redfern, Pam Davis, Michael Liben, Nancy Jensen, Alicia Lynch, Deena Barber, Carlee McGuire, Carter & Faye Mayberry, and Frank Jaworski. We appreciate you!

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Baby Blue Sound Collective

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spk_0:   0:00

spk_1:   0:00
don't know if all of you can hear all of the buzz behind us, but this is a happening place. I mean, there were thousands, literally thousands of people who are here at podcast movement. I think the last camera was 3000. People are here at podcast movement, and there's a lot of energy. There's a lot of excitement, all right, this is a special edition of heart to Heart with Anna. I am currently at Pod Cast Movement 2019 in Orlando, Florida, and I am in a bona fide studio today. I have two of the board members of Hearts Unite the Globe. And for those of you who are longtime listeners, you know that hearts unite. The Globe is a nonprofit organization that funds all of the activities for heart to heart. With Deanna retire with Michael and heart to heart with Nickel and David. So it is a true honor to be here. I want to thank Buzz Sprout, but Sprout is the sponsor of this recording today. And for those of you who don't know us proud is also one of the hosts of heart to heart within, and so you can always head overto best dot com, and you can find all of the heart to heart. With Vienna episodes. Today's program is called Behind the Scenes With Hearts. Unite the Globe and I have two wonderful guests. My first guest is my better half. Frank Jaworski and I have been married for over 33 years. We have two cents. Alexander and Joseph Alexander was born with a single venture called Heart and So Frank, I'm going to start with you and then we'll get to Laura Redfern in just a moment. But, Frank, why were you a founding member of Hearts? Unite the globe,

spk_3:   1:50
first of all, because I'm married to you and it was part of the package, but also because I believe in the mission of Hearts Unite Club. I believe that what we're doing spreading information on making people more aware of what's out there where people are going through and that they have company on this journey is very, very important. It's worth my time and effort.

spk_1:   2:12
That's perfect. And that's why I love you so much, Frank, because you are so awesome and so supportive. But one of my other great supporters is also here today, and that is Laura Redfern. She's one of my best friends. She's a toastmaster. She's a financial aid visor. And for those of you, for a long time, listeners, you may remember that she was a previous guest on heart to heart with Anna. She actually talked about financial planning for those in the heart community. But you're not here, Annette Role today. Today you are here as a secretary for Hearts Omega Club. So Laura tell us why you joined the board.

spk_2:   2:46
We'll also like Frank. It's because I love Anna dearly and anything that she says is worthwhile, because that's just the kind of person that she is. But aside from that, when she told me about her journey in her story with her son and how congenital heart defects are the number one birth defect, my mind was blown. I didn't know that I didn't have anyone in my family affected by that. But seeing what a large affected is on the population, it gripped my heart. So I thought, Gosh, what can I offer to this organization? And as in a kind of jokingly mentioned on the secretary, I can take really good news so by doing that, but it's also really fun for me, and it's really wonderful to have that sense of altruism with your friends to be doing something that makes a difference in the world. And the power of the podcast, which we'll talk about a little later, is just a way to touch people in the world that you don't even know. That was very, very powerful. So I thought that was a great mission and jumped right on board.

spk_1:   3:45
Well, I've loved having you, and you are so self deprecating. You do so much more than just take notes. Laura keeps has organized. She keeps us on track, and she's such a great record keeper. So if we ever have a question about what did we say we were going to do our anything? There's Laura. She's always on top of that for us. Oh, I just love having you as part of the mission, but you're also so creative, and I love how your creativity has helped to evolve, hug into what it is today. You too, Frank. That's a big part of hug, where a small board and so every person's voice really counts, and I love how we have such a diverse board. I mean, Frank is in the medical community. Laura is in the financial community, and Laura also had trained as a teacher. So she has that service background that really adds so much toe hug. And then we have Jack, who is our president, who is from the legal stamp. 40 is a lawyer, and he brings a whole other skill set toe hug, which really, really helps us. And then, of course, we have Nancy Miller, who unfortunately, is not here today. She is our treasurer, and she brings financial expertise tohave. So we really, really are lucky with her to have so many fabulous people who all happen to be or have been Toastmasters. And so we all have that in common as well right now, I'd love to know what hug means to you, Frank.

spk_3:   5:13
Well, with hug means to me is that even though our son Alex, who has gone through three open heart surgeries, is an adult, is more or less on his own and makes his own decisions for his health care, that we can still contribute to the congenital heart defects community we can do things positively. We stay abreast of what's developing in the field, and we could help people who are going through what we went through.

spk_1:   5:37
What is head mean to you? Laura and I

spk_2:   5:39
just come back to your tag line, which I think it's just the most beautiful expression of what you do and that is you are not alone. I just love that. I think that's what hug means to me and to lots of people across the globe. It really is a hug, whether it's you are getting direct support or whether you're just listening and knowing that there are other people out there who could help you. It's something that is supporting people all over the globe.

spk_1:   6:05
Well, I'm so glad that you said that because that was what we were hoping When we founded this organization, Frank and I felt very much alone, even though we were in the hospital and there were other families there who had Children. In fact, with the same heart effect is our son. You still feel very isolated. It's a very frightening feeling and knowing that you're handing your baby off to a surgeon and your baby may not come back alive. To you, it's simply terrifying. So, knowing that we can do something, maybe to make it a little bit easier for somebody or give them an idea about some way that they can improve their life for their quality of life, that just means so much to me. So I'm so glad that we're all in this together. Totally. Okay, Frank, what's your favorite hug? Story or experience? We've been doing this for quite a few years now. What's your favorite story or experience?

spk_3:   6:54
Wow. Well, my favorite hug story is the one. The young man from Africa. Elvis. Elvis was a little boy whose mother was struggling to keep him alive and looking for help on the Internet. And she managed to find you. And through your advocacy, you found him a place in states in Texas where they could come to. And I believe you also arranged for his transportation too. Is that right, or was that

spk_1:   7:20
No, No, but I got lucky that I was in touch with two other gentlemen from Africa, and there are actually the ones who made all of the arrangements. But the really, really cool thing was that I was able to drive to Dallas, Texas, and meet them. And

spk_3:   7:34
absolutely so. That's really the power of the Internet, the power, what this show does worldwide. Why it's called hearts unite the Globe because you were able to reach out to them and bring them to Texas. Then you meet them personally and meet Elvis and know that he is now in high school

spk_4:   7:48
is just a just a wonderful

spk_3:   7:51
thing. That's probably my favorite story.

spk_1:   7:53
Yeah, yeah, that's definitely one of my favorite stories lower. What's your favorite hug? Experience or story? And in mine

spk_2:   7:59
has to be pretty recent when we had a call with Michael, who is on your other show, what the other shows that the Hyuga podcast network sponsors. And it was the first time we got to meet Michael. Most of us on the board know Anna very, very well, but we had only heard about this guy. Michael, who does a show for bereaved parents in the bereaved community, thought that was really cool, but I've never met him. So he Skyped into one of our hug board meetings, and his energy was contagious, even though he was across the globe in Israel He was just bursting with energy and it came through. His personality came through and it really touched me to see that and to realize how far oven extent and reach that we have, even though we're still kind of in our beginning stages, like we have two shows now. We're building on more I know and the potential and the excitement. There was just absolute contagious. It was wonderful.

spk_1:   8:53
Well, Michael even is going to love that story. He's gonna love knowing that he made an impression. I

spk_2:   8:58
got out to Michael

spk_1:   8:59
Child, Michael Leavitt,

spk_5:   9:01
Take this hot industry. We're offering us a mechanical hot and he said, now that I've had enough to give it to someone my father promised me, a golden dressed twirling held my hand and asked me where I wanted to go. Whatever stride for conflict that we experienced in our long career together was always healed by humor.

spk_4:   9:22
Heart to heart With Michael, please join us every Thursday at noon, Eastern as we talked with people from around the world who have experienced those most difficult moments

spk_0:   9:37
forever by the Baby Blue sound collective. I think what I love so much about this CD is that some of the songs were inspired by the patient's. Many listeners will understand many of the different songs and what they've been inspired. Our new album will be available on iTunes. Amazon dot com. Spotify. I love the fact that the proceeds find this CD are actually going to help those with congenital heart defects. Music Tonight forever, huh?

spk_4:   10:14
You are listening to heart to heart with Anna. If you have a question or comment that you would like to dress down show, please send an email to Anna Dworsky at Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com. That's Anna at heart to heart with anna dot com. Now back to heart, to Heart with Emma

spk_1:   10:33
Michael does make an impression, got a lot of people. And his show is not only for bereaved parents, although he has a bereaved parent himself. But it is for any bereaved people, and I was even on his show after I lost my mother. Michael Show made such an impact on me because I was having trouble sleeping. I was going through some depression after having lost my mother, and I went on his show fairly early after I lost my mom just a couple of months after I had lost her, because I went on for the May show of heart to heart with Michael and I lost my mother in February, but it was only a very short period of time. But after I went on the show with Michael, it's like it healed me on the inside. I think, being able to share some of her stories, I was able to leave a legacy of my mom behind. So I think that's maybe one of my favorite stories is what heart to heart with Michael did for me and how it helped me to heal and be able to sleep better at night. That's my hope with heart Are with Michael on her tart with Anna is that maybe we can help people sleep a little bit better. Or maybe help them appreciate something, maybe travels then you were afraid to do. Before we have somebody on the show like Megan Tones, who just came on until does about her wonderful travels to China and Japan. How can somebody with a severe congenital heart defect do that? Megan told us how she did it and So maybe that will inspire another family to allow their child to go. Or maybe another adult who's been afraid to take that trick. Well, listen thio me again and say, Wait a minute. If making could do it, I could do it. And she gives some real practical advice on what to do so that you don't get yourself into trouble in that situation. So I think that's one of the powers that you were referring to Laura about with the podcast that Miggins from Australia. And yet I was able to talk to her as if she were in this very studio with technologies. Just 20 years ago. We would have been able to do this would wait

spk_2:   12:37
maybe 10 years ago. The new still

spk_1:   12:40
it really is. So, to me, that's really exciting. Well, Frank, you're at the podcast movement right now here with me, and you've been learning about patri on. Can you tell us why you became one of hugs? First patrons and what Petrie on means to you?

spk_3:   12:56
Well, you and I both have been giving of ourselves in our time and sometimes our money also to hug for years and years now. But big and Patriot also is a way to lead other people to become patrons. Also through patri on and Set an example, and to show the little contribution that I hope that supporters of hug give

spk_1:   13:18
right. I feel like we're developing a whole new community, and it's a way for everyone else to be vested in hug, which to me is really, really exciting. Like Laura said, we really our hearts unite The globe were reaching out all over the globe, and the great thing about Patri on is you don't even have to spend that much money for the class of a pizza. You can be a supporter for a whole year. I mean, there aren't too many things that you can actually do that with. So Laura, tell us why Hug needs patri on.

spk_2:   13:46
Oh, gosh, I think that many listeners like myself would be very appreciative of what you do, Anna and the stories you shared the resource is, and they might not know how they can help out, and Patron makes it so easy. It's really awesome. So many people are used to subscriptions. Now subscribe to your radio station that you like or you can subscribe to your gym, and these are things that maybe you don't use or don't let me make a huge impact. But they just kind of come out of your bank account automatically. Well, this is similar but very different. You can have it come out automatically on a monthly basis as a subscriber, but rather than a gym membership that you never use, this is really making a difference to the mission and to people across the world. I mean, how cool is that? You could be altruistic. You can put that on autopilot and you can continue making a difference. I mean forever,

spk_1:   14:40
Right? Right, Because as long as we continue to pay our bills, usually in New York, ours and any new families or new survivors were coming forward, they'll have that right there. If anybody takes any of the pictures of us here in this studio, and make sure I share them with all of you later, one of the other things I like about Patri on is it's giving us a chance to give a little bit of bonus information. Thio, all of you who love hearts unite the globe in her tart with Michael. And so Michael and I are going to be making a video of behind the scenes video because you will not believe where I actually do my podcast. Normally, I'm not usually in this great studio like what Buzz sprout Hiss set up here a podcast movement 2019. And so it really is a lot of fun. Laura is being very creative, and she's actually taking pictures of us in the studio at the very but that I was speaking. And so that's really cool of you sharing some of those. But in addition to that, but most of you don't know is that when more recording needs knows, I heavily edit all of my shows. And so usually I will spend about 30 to 45 minutes recording a show. But only 30 minutes makes it into the show that all of you here, so there's about 15 minutes of material that you will never hear, and sometimes those are the juiciest stories, those air, the most fun things that we talk about because by the time we get to that point, my guest is totally relaxed on Turtle. Relax. We're laughing and having fun and cutting up well, for those of you who are higher supporters of her tar with Anna and her tart with Michael of the Hug Podcast network, you all will get to see the unedited, nitty gritty behind the scenes stuff that goes on with the with the guest and with me. And so, like I said, a lot of times, that is a lot of fun. So do consider checking out our Patriot page. It is so easy to find it's just patri on, which is P A T r e o, and dot com. And then there's the backslash part to part. So is super easy to remember, And then it will take you to our page. And it describes the different levels that we offer and you get to see some of the cool things that we have in store for you. Very cool. It is really cool. And Michael and I are having so much fun putting this together for you. So do check it out. We haven't released any of the bonus material yet, but I've already done two or three shows with bonus material, and Michael is working on it as well. So, Laura, where do you see her going in the future?

spk_2:   17:14
Wow, Where don't I see I? I've learned here at podcast. Moving is my first year coming here. The power of the podcast. There's actually a session yesterday that that was the title. And it was so act because the gentleman who was speaking talked about his background as a newspaper reporter originally and how he felt that he was really reaching a large audience through prints. Sure, which, you know, back in the day, I think he was talking about the sixties and seventies. Yeah, that was a great way to reach people. But he was excited about the power of podcasts because he said, I used to write in an office with four walls. And then when I put my voice to a podcast, walls blew away on the ceiling, flew off, and now there's no limits. And I just caught his excitement there and thought, Wow, Anna does a podcast. Michael does a podcast. They're more podcasts, I know in the pipeline for hug and being a part of that is really exciting. So I think our reach can extend everywhere at any place that you can pick up technology and make a difference in people's lives all over the world.

spk_1:   18:25
Right? Frank? What about you? As a founding member? How have you seen Hug changing over the years. And where do you expect us to go in the future? Well,

spk_3:   18:34
if you think back to the roots of hug starts with Baby Hearts Press, which was the first organization you created in order to produce publications, books, old

spk_1:   18:43
things like Laura was talking

spk_2:   18:45
about good stuff in old things

spk_3:   18:49
and move forward from there. Obviously, fruit hearts unite the globe and now a heart to heart with Anna and I could see more public speaking, possibly in the future. And I can also see this podcast growing in ways that we won't even expect in ways we can't even predict. But I look forward to it. I really wanted a part of it. Which is why I tried so hard to be involved both through patri on and directly on the board.

spk_1:   19:13
Right, right.

spk_5:   19:17
Hi, My name is Jaime Al Croft, and I just published my new book, The Tin Man Diaries. It's an amazing story of my sudden change of heart as I went through a heart liver transplant. I can think of no better way to read the Tin Man diaries than to cuddle up in your favorite hearts. Unite the Globe sweatshirt and your favorite hot beverage, of course, in your hearts Unite Blow Mug, both of which are available. The Hug Podcast network, online store or visit Hearts Unite theglobe dot

spk_4:   19:50
heart to Heart with Anna is a presentation of hearts, Unite the Globe and is part of the hug Podcast Network Hearts Unite The Globe is a nonprofit organization devoted to providing resource is to the congenital heart defect community to uplift and power and enrich the lives of our community members. If you would like access to free resource, is pretending to the CHD community please visit our website at www congenital heart defects dot com for information about CHD, the hospitals that treat Children with CHD summer camps for CHD survivors and much, much more.

spk_1:   20:27
I think one of the most exciting things for me was when we had our first friend show we had our first Spanish show and now we have two Spanish is what we had our first Hebrew show, and I know we're eventually going to haven't heard do show the way that we really can embrace the world is by not on Lee having our programs in English. We have to have programs in other languages, are tart with Michael is planning on doing some shows in Hebrew this year, which is really, really exciting to me. This is how we embrace the world by bringing programs to them in their own language. And I'm really looking forward to working with Marta Richelle for Corazon Corazon. Come, Marta. And I really hope I didn't miss. That was my Spanish is not great. But we are lucky to having a dedicated show in Spanish. And I know that that is going to happen with Marta Montero. Those of you on Facebook know Rosemont overkill, and she is fabulous. She was the host for the two Spanish shows that we did do already. So I know she's going to do a fabulous job and we're working at putting together a fabulous team to help her. So I agree with both of you. I see where there's almost no limit where we could go. I know one of the things that Michael wants to do is a former documentary worker bringing some more video into what we do so that you all can see as well as hear about what we're doing. And so I am just so excited about where hug may go in the future. Well, what have you learned? A podcast movement, and how will it affect your work with Hug? And I'm going to start with you, Frank, because I know that you have been going to a lot of the Patri on sessions, and that has been really important, but to point to some other sessions as well. So what have you learned here that you think you'll be applying

spk_2:   22:17
to hug? Well, some of

spk_3:   22:19
it does not involve fundraising, which is my primary purpose for hug right now. But also it's things like learning how to help you make a better podcast are attended a session on having the 1st 2 minutes be extra exciting to make things work faster. And also there was a whole session about learning how to become an influencer and become an authority, and I think that you are uniquely positioned to do that. So my role in that is going to be to use that information and the ideas that I learned to help you see what you could do for the community. One of the things that this gentleman said, which I really liked it is that to nice people who are in floors don't realize their influences. And I think you're that point right now, and I've gotta help youto see that you can use your influence more appropriately. The quote he said was he said you can't read the label from the inside of the bottle.

spk_1:   23:08
Oh, like that. That is awesome. Okay, well, that's great. Lord, what have you learned here at our caste movement that you think will help you with Doug?

spk_2:   23:18
Well, Anna caught me here. So in my secretary mode, I'm looking over my notes that took it to look back. Oh, yeah? What did I learn? I've learned so much is pretty awesome, I think, as faras hug and what will help effect that was I intended a great session on actually psychology. And how we can use that to help with our listener journey is how it was framed. And I think that's really cool, because what you offer Anna is so cool. But I think it needs to get to more people. And so I've learned some suggestions and tips of how to do that. And that'll be a great thing to talk about with the board. I know being a board member who didn't before know anything about podcasting, you would hear you know, the stories he would tell us and you delivery like, Okay, that's cool. But you don't really get it until you kind of get your feet wet in this industry. So now that I've got my feet wet and couldn't really see the bigger picture and this session is called behind the scenes, all the behind the scenes stuff that's involved Holy cow, I had no idea the yeah, so the workload is incredible. But Anna's always ended as a labor of love. And now that I think they're more of us, begin, understand what she's doing, that we can offer more support in more meaningful ways and not me just saying Hey, can I help you? But hey, wait a minute. Now that I understand the advertising part, here's an idea. Here's what I can actually do for you.

spk_1:   24:48
Oh, I love that I love that. Yes, for those of you who have never been to Park House movement. Oh my God, Come. It is saying it's amazing, it's exciting. And yes, it makes you want to start a podcast. I actually saw a a person who has a Star Wars podcasts, and I thought Freak needs to go in and start worrying like a

spk_2:   25:12
podcast for every E. I met a lady who has a podcast on Quilty. Yes, and that's such a tactile thing. You wouldn't think. Well, what's a podcast about that? But I'm sure she and her listeners getting a lot out

spk_1:   25:23
of it. I know. I think my sister and I need to check

spk_2:   25:25
that out

spk_1:   25:25
because we are making sure. Don't tell my granddaughter we are making a push for her for Christmas and maybe they tell us some tips on what we can do that is going to make that work better, because I don't know. I haven't made a quote for my granddaughter yet, but I've done some of the squares. Now the problem is, how do I put this together? So it looks beautiful. I'm trusting you, Chrissy, my sister, to help guide me. Chrissy is using YouTube a lot, and YouTube and podcast goes together. There are a lot of podcasts, including heart art with Anna and more tart with Michael, which are also on YouTube. So kind of brings us full circle, desert it, which is really, really kind of cool. So we're almost out of time, which I can't believe how quickly the time has gone. This is so exciting. I don't know if all of you can hear all of the buzz behind us, but this is a happening place. I mean, there were thousands, literally thousands of people who are here at podcast movement. I think the last camera was 3000. People are here at podcast movement and there's a lot of energy. There's a lot of excitement, But you know, what I think I love about this conference is that everybody wants to

spk_2:   26:33
help everybody. Yes, it's impressive for 3000 people. You really don't feel like that. You feel like you're here with a whole bunch of friends that you just haven't met yet,

spk_1:   26:43
right? And they have this little Gamification program where you scan people's badges. And so I have met so many people just scanning their badges and

spk_2:   26:55
she wants to win guys wanna

spk_1:   26:56
win? I wanna win. Did you ever forget it? Somebody already has twice as many points as I do, but that's OK because I've had a lot of fun just scanning people's badges, finding out what kind of podcasts they do if they do a podcast. A lot of people here who are like Buzz sprout there. People who support podcasters is so that's also interesting or so many different tools out there that we can use. And that's what I spend a lot of time going to workshops about it. How can I get some different tools to automate some of these things that I'm doing so we can get the word out to even more people about what hearts unite the globe and what heart art within and talked with Michael the future shows that will be coming into flight? How do we get the word out there so that people can find even more information? So I wanna thank you, Laura Redfern and Frank Jaworski for coming on the program today.

spk_3:   27:46
It's been a pleasure.

spk_2:   27:47
Absolutely. This is great.

spk_1:   27:49
I know this is so much fun. Don't you wish we could take this whole studio with us to Texas,

spk_2:   27:54
I was saying earlier, I love this Mike. So I really want to take this Mike. I know

spk_1:   27:59
Laura speaking on a road mike and Rode Rode Wow Road is an amazing company. Frank and I are talking on sure. Mike's is also very, very good,

spk_3:   28:09

spk_1:   28:10
and this is just so much fun. It's so much fun to be in a real studio. Usually I'm sitting in my office, which is between my two garages and I'm sitting in front of my roll top desk, which those of you who are more high level patrons, you'll get busy universities. Don't be disappointed when you don't see a highfalutin a studio because it's a really tiny studio. What we're in right now is about, 02 or three times as big as my regulars, because by roll top desk is pretty much my studio. This is so much fun. I have had a blast today, friends. If you want to be a member of hug, then you can do that so simply by either going to our website, which all of you know it's hard to night. The globe dot org's at the bottom of every single page. A friend of ignorantly, our Web master has put a donate button so you can donate on any page that's on our website. But if you want to be part of the team and patri on, just go to patriot dot com slash heart to heart with Anna and be a member, be a defender or be an advocate or any of the other names that I came up with for the

spk_2:   29:20
deer. Just be a supporter. Subscribe, really subscribe often

spk_1:   29:26
there you go. Just remember, for the cost of a pizza, you could be a subscriber for a whole year and you can help us out so that we can grow the network. We can have some foreign language programs. We can have more programs that are targeted to certain bereaved communities. We'd love to have a program jazz for bereaved parents. Sadly, we know in the heart community that we lose way too many people too early. Those people have special needs, and we would love to have a program just for them. And what about our teens and Tweens? We need a program just for them. So believe me and our board meetings, we come up with lots of ideas for different things that we want to do. But we do need a little bit more funding in order to be able to do that. So that concludes this episode of heart to heart with them. And thanks for listening. Today, my friends join us again next week for a brand new podcast. And until then, remember, my friends, you are not alone.

spk_4:   30:24
Thank you again for joining us this week Way Hope you have been inspired on, Empowered to become an advocate for the congenital heart defects community. Heart to heart with Anna With your hose down, Dworsky can be heard every Tuesday at 12 noon Eastern time.

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